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The Morgan Carlson Column
written by Morgan Carlson


Morgan Carlson

Hi mates!

Hope everything is good with you all. The spring is here, shorts and tee all week long!

It's pretty quiet right now. Just a few shows since the beginning of the year. But I can assure you there's a lot of stuff coming up for the summer.

It seams like there's gonna be loads of traveling this year again since I'm on Jimmy Verburgh's FMX4Ever now.

It's amazing how much he's involved in. And I'm doing Erzberg Rodeo also! Now, that sucks!

It's nice to have some time off right now anyhow, me and Villa aka "Bjorn Dahlie of Freestyle" get time to ride and enjoying ourselves in the park as much as possible.

Morgan Carlson

Did a really cool show in Rotterdam the other week. Me, Ronnie Renner, Mat Buyten, Vanni Odera, Jimmy Verburgh, Fredrik Berggren and a few others did a pretty good show infront of a sold out Ahoy Arena, two nights in a row for thous who remember...

Morgan Carlson

Here's a clip from national television: watch here

Have fun and enjoy life!


Morgan Carlson

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