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The Busty Wolter Column
written by Sebastian Wolter



this is gonna be a long newsletter since a lot has happened. In the end of April I rode shows at the BAUMA in Munich for CATERPILLAR. We had four shows every day for a week. Everything went well, CAT took really care of us, we had a great time and the crowd appreciatetd our show (in fact, everybody said it was the greatest show during the whole tradeshow). The only bad thing was a crash of mine at the very
last show, second last jump: I slipped off the peg during a Nac-Flip and crashed hard. Luckily nothing serious happend but a black eye, a stiff neck and a bruised calf. 3 das later I was back on the bike ...

Busty Wolter

I HAD to be back anyway, since I had organised a european roadtrip with the filmers of M80, a FMX show on american TV station FUEL TV. Adam Barker and Ryan Leyba, the two filmers, were joined in my car by
Goba, an australian photographer who used to be the boss of Freerider MX. We started in my park, went on to Bengsland, Fabland, then visited Mat Rebeaud in Switzerland, Remi Bizouard and Manu Troux in France and finished the 14 day trip in Andre Villas SUZKI FMX PARK in Spain. Along with us went Alvaro Dal Farra and his buddies Ricky (photo) and Albi (film). On the differnet locations we were joined not just by our hosts, but also Gerald Sanfilippo, Ilkka Salo (broke his leg, get well!!!), the crazy Pages-brothers, Dani Torres, Morgan Carlsson and Rino Holm. Also Jeff from Freestyle MX Mag and french filmer and stripper de luxe Mike plus photo-madman Chris Stock joined the trip for a few days. The trip for sure was teh best roadtrip we have ever done. Expect to see some sick photo- and videofootage in the next months to come! Thanks to everybody who helped to make this trip such a big success!

Busty Wolter

When I came home I pretty much had to leave again for a Red Bull FMX show at the pregame show of Colognes American Football team Cologne Centurions. The 22.500 spectators went berzerk when they
saw us perform! But rest was not in the deal since Fab, Bengs and me headed to Reutlingen to help our Upfroce buddy Marc Fischer with another FMX show during the ADAC MX Masters.

So Busty is very busy... but this generates a lot of coverage. Check out the latest german „max“ magazine and you will find a 6-page spread about Busty. On wednesday the 30th of May you can see him live in
TV on RTL at 20.15 h (it will be a surprise) and on June, 19th you can watch a 60-minute documentary about Busty and Freddy on D-MAX at 23.10 h.

Now I am already in Ireland for the Red Bull X-Fighters in Slane Castle. The track looks sick and this could become the best X-Fighters ever. It is sold out already, this means 35.000 crazy spectators will cheer for the best FMX riders in the world on the best track Europe has seen so far! Check out www. for live webcasts and infos!
After X-Fighters I will ride at the Stick The Trick in Brixen before I spent most of June in the USA for some practice with the NV/HC boys and to ride the open qualifier at the AST DEW TOUR in Baltimore.
I have got to relax now to be ready to rock...

Next Events:

26.05.2007 Red Bull X-Fighters Slane Castle
02.06.2007 Stick The Trick, Brixen / Italy www.stickthetrickcom
19.-23.06.2007 AST DEW Tour, Baltimore / USA


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