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The Busty Wolter Column
written by Sebastian Wolter


Hi everybody!
I hope you all had a nice sweet jump into 2010! I did have it, but that is not too difficult shredding on the snowboard in the VANS Penken park in Mayrhofen... haha! Instead of doing the yearly gig at the SX Dortmund this year I went to watch the Anaheim 1 SX opener in the USA. The reason for it was that Red Bull had invited me to take part of the Red Bull Judging Clinic.

For two days a group of FMX Insiders discussed and tested the new judging for the Red Bull X-Fighters tour. I am pretty happy about our achievements and this system should help to show us great, creative and various runs with a nice mix of rightsideup and upsidedown tricks and a lot of personal flavour. I hope the times are over when everybody tries to copy the other guys runs... the future should be bright for FMX!

When I came back to Germany I signed a deal with Suzuki International Europe for a new project: the Suzuki Upforce FMX Team. Since I am getting older I came up with the idea to do something for our upcoming talents. So I formed this team with me as teammanager (and of course still a rider) and Kai Haase and Dennis Garhammer as the riders. Our mechanic Mini will take care of the bikes and I hope with this effort we will help those talented youngsters to reach an international level in the near future. The team is also getting support by MG-Sport, Skullcandy, Motul and Credit Plus Bank. Kai and Dennis will compete in the german FMX championships and many more events and shows. Updates about the boys and of course the rest of the Upforce riders are available at !

Next thing up was a little practice. Stefan Bengs, Fab Bauersachs and myself went to Alvaro Dal Farras park in Italy to ride for three days and get rid of the wintersleep. Alvaro has a great park and even though it was still cold with -degree Celsius temperatures in the night we got some good riding in. I also figured out a little thing on my flipping technique, that I did wrong in the last 1,5 years. After talking with Fab I figured out how to flip easier and it immediately worked. So now I am on the way back to all my flipcombos. Flipping is so much fun again! Strange that it was only one little detail, that I new about, but I had just forgotten to pay attention to lately. So now I feel pretty reiuvenated again! HAHA!

The preparation was for the first ever „Kings of Xtreme“ event in Leipzig that was held last weekend. Not only did i participate as a rider but was also involved in the whole event with my knowledge and experience as FMX rider and did all the riderbooking. KoX was a show and run in a way the Crusty Shows or Masters of Dirt were run. We brought everything out that was
spectacular ond a bike (or at least kind of a bike...): FMX, BMX, MTB, Minibike races and FMX, Speed & Style, Highest Air, Whip, FMX Evolution with all the gnarly flipcombos and also stuntbikes, trialbikes and Hugo Arriazu as Quad-backflipper and Stian Pedersen flipping the snowmobile. Everybody was pretty happy about the show and the organisation and we also sold out the first day and nearly sold out the second. So all in all it was a great success and now we can build up from it for the future.

Right now I am busy with getting shows lined up for me and the Upforce, so if anyone is interested, just get in contact with me. Fab, Freddy Peters, Stefan Bengs and me have planned another trip to Alvaro next week, so hopefully it will not snow too much. We will see... I will be at the Night of the Jumps in Berlin afterwards. I will be doing commentary for my new gig at the DSF bike magazine TV-show, that is gonna be interesting! And the weekend after I will attend the Masters of Dirt in Vienna as well, might be riding there or maybe doing commentary as well... So that‘s it for now. Keep it fun!

Cheers, Busty


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