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Busty and Fab in Spain | November 2006

Busty Wolter and Fab Bauersachs said „NO“ to the rainy and cold weather in Germany and headed down south to Spain to practice with their buddies Morgan Carlsson and Rino Holm in André Villas SUZUKI FMX PARK. André indeed was on the way to France to spend some time in a spezial rehab center to get his knee healing as fast as possible.

After a few days in teh SUZUKI park today it was time to ride in the Goodtimes FMX compound of Nicolas Ortuno. Nicos back is healing well and he said maybe he is back on the bike in 2 or 3 weeks. Since Busty took all the photos and André is not at home to take pics of Busty, we have to tell you that Bustys big distance flips are well now and he pulls a couple every day. How it is going with the other boys, you can check on the pics.

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